Monthly Archives: August 2014

Essential Oil Discovery For Pets

I’ve been using essential oils for myself for a while now; from treating fungal infection to pimples to muscle aches to relaxing myself after a hard day’s work, but recently I chanced upon the discovery that people, even vets, used essential oils on pets to treat them of ailments both physically and emotionally. It is used as a natural way to heal. Yes anything chemical-free and natural sounds good to me!

I dug deeper and found many ways that we can treat our cats naturally with essential oils. Having said this, I haven’t been able to use much essential oils on Chaco because he seems pretty chill most of the time. However, a friend was recently housing his cat at a friend’s and hence transporting and a new environment. The cat came home a week later and was in a reclusive mood, didn’t respond to him except for food, steered clear away from human contact, slept in a corner, all the things that he didn’t use to do this much. Any pet owner will be worried. He was at wits end when he shared this with me and I thought “Why not try some essential oils?”

After some research and reading, we decided on the Forgiveness blend from Young Living (vets were using this brand). He administered via a water diffusion method (3-5drops in 100ml) once a day, and by the 2nd day, the cat was already showing signs of his old friendly self. We were really encouraged and friend was so relieved! By the 4th day, cat was back to old self altogether. It’s been more than a week now. My friend had since only used the oil every other day or two. He’ll probably stop the oil soon.

To be honest, I was pleasantly surprised and super impressed by the effect of the essential oils.

Just wanted to share this experience so that anyone who’s also researching about use of essential oils on pets can have a read. I’ll share more of my next essential oil experience.


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